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need some help?

If you have a quick question why not try our FAQ page?

Our friendly and helpful customer service team can be contacted for advice and enquiries via email at, they will respond as soon as they can. Please note that our customer service team are located in the UK and the office opening hours are 8.30-17.00GMT Monday to Friday, closed weekends and Bank Holidays.

For us to be able to assist with your enquiry as quickly as possible, please provide as much information as you can in your email, such as your order number, as well as photos and videos, if applicable.

If you prefer to put pen to paper, write to us at:

Head Office/Returns:
Irregular Choice Design Asylum
Unit 2 Harbour Trading Estate
Harbour Way
Shoreham By Sea
BN43 5HZ, UK

To find your nearest Irregular Choice use our store finder.

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